In celebration of the captivating three-part documentary series featuring Shailene Woodley, Martha Stewart, José Andrés, and Baratunde Thurston, at-home rowing brand to offer expert-led workouts on iconic waterways seen in the series
Hydrow, the leading connected rowing brand that brings the on-water experience of rowing straight to your home, is partnering with the three-part ‘Hope in the Water’ docuseries, set to air on PBS on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. From Emmy award-winning producer Andrew Zimmern, in collaboration with multi-award-winner and storytelling visionary David E. Kelley,, ‘Hope in the Water’ travels the globe spotlighting trailblazing fishers, water farmers, and environmental activists who are discovering new and ancient practices that can not only feed us but also restore our threatened oceans and fresh waterways.
Through the partnership with Hydrow, ‘Hope in the Water’ will reach a broader audience who cherish and appreciate the waterways shown on Hydrow screens. In tandem with the series premiere in June, Hydrow is set to release ‘Hope in the Water ‘-themed rows for its members, adding to the existing trove of more than 5,000 full-body workouts available to Hydrow members. Hydrow athletes traveled to the coast of Maine to film these workouts, where entrepreneur, tastemaker, author, and conservationist Martha Stewart filmed Episode 2, “Farming the Water,” with Andrew Peters, a young fisherman who took on scallop farming as a more sustainable alternative. Episode 2 of ‘Hope in the Water’ will premiere on Wednesday, June 26 at 9 p.m. ET on PBS (check local listings), and the PBS App. More information can be found at
Celebrated environmental enthusiasts Shailene Woodley, Martha Stewart, José Andrés, and Baratunde Thurston reveal hidden underworlds jeopardized by climate change, overfishing and exploitation, and habitat destruction. They are each authentically tied to a particular story, featuring champions who are working on intelligent food solutions and how they have an essential role to play in the shift towards healthy, equitable, and sustainable food systems from our waters. The impact of the docuseries is furthered by a science-led education campaign called Fed by Blue that inspires ocean lovers, activists, early adopters, foodies, and consumers with the knowledge and materials to help participate in creating a responsible blue food system.
Hydrow’s mission is to improve communities by making rowing accessible to all, nurturing connection, total body health, and contributing to a better world. “Water is essential to humans – and as a former rowing coach, I’ve seen firsthand that it not only enhances physical and mental well-being but fosters a sense of responsibility towards our planet,” said Bruce Smith, Hydrow’s Founder. ‘Hope in the Water’ showcases those championing a sustainable future, and we are proud to contribute to this journey through our partnership.”
Hydrow is committed to keeping waterways clean and safe. For every workout with Hydrow, the company donates to, an organization that brings clean, safe water to the developing world. Hydrow has helped over 124,000 people around the world with lasting access to safe water or sanitation.